Friday 14 November 2014

Six Sun Journalists Cleared Of 'Overarching' Corruption Charge

Six Sun Journalists Cleared Of 'Overarching' Corruption Charge

Six Sun journalists have been cleared of a charge of conspiring together to corrupt public officials, after a judge ruled they have no case to answer on an “overarching” charge in their trial.

Judge Richard Marks QC instructed the jury at Kingston Crown Court to find the men not guilty of a charge that they were all in agreement with a number of public officials and other journalists to commit misconduct in public office.

But the six remain on trial facing charges that they conspired separately in "sub-plots" with public officials, including staff at Broadmoor secure hospital, police officers and prison officials.

Those cleared of the “overarching” charge were former head of news Chris Pharo, ex-managing editor, Graham Dudman, ex-Sun deputy news editor, Ben O’Driscoll, Thames Valley reporter, Jamie Pyatt, picture editor John Edwards and ex-Sun reporter John Troup.

The jury was also instructed to find Mr Pharo not guilty on one of the five charges he was still facing.

It had been claimed Mr Pharo was involved in paying a soldier based at Sandhurst for a picture of a fellow soldier who was charged with manslaughter following a fatal road traffic accident.

But the judge explained the defendant had no case to answer because the picture, a commemorative photo, was not confidential.

Mr Pharo now faces a total of four charges of conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office, while Mr Dudman and Mr O'Driscoll are accused of three.

Mr Pyatt and Mr Edwards are charged with two counts and Mr John Troup is accused of one count.

Report from The Telegraph, UK

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