Wednesday 31 December 2014

NLC threatens strike over unpaid salaries

NLC threatens strike over unpaid salaries

The national leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has
threatened to embark on a strike as 11 state governments have not
paid the December salaries to their workers.

The organised labour called on its chapters in Benue, Plateau and
Osun states to serve their respective governments an ultimatum within which to pay the workers’ salary arrears of between three and eight months or risk a strike.

The President of the NLC, Mr. Abdulwaheed Omar, who made the
comment in an ‘End of Year Message,’ called on the workers to vote
against any politician who failed to pay their salaries in the 2015

He said that any governor who was not able to pay the salaries of
workers in his state had no justification to receive his own salaries

Omar said that some employees of the Federal Government in the
Ministry of Labour and Productivity were being owed between one to
three months’ salary areas.

He said, “Collated reports from our state councils indicate that a
number of state governments and some Federal MDAs have not paid
their workers for December as the year comes to an end.

“Of the 30 states reporting as of the 30th of December, 11 subjected
their workers to a Christmas/New Year celebration without the
December salary.

“Three of these states, Benue, Plateau and Osun, owed their workers
arrears of salaries ranging from three to eight months. Some Federal
Government employees in the ministries of Education, Labour and
Productivity, among others, are owed arrears of salaries ranging from
one to three months.

“We condemn this insensitivity to the welfare of workers. Any state
governor, who cannot pay workers their salaries, as at when due, has
no moral justification for taking his own salary and allowances.

“We call on workers to massively reject these anti-worker politicians in
the 2015 elections. Meanwhile, we direct our state NLC councils in
the three states mentioned above to serve appropriate ultimatums on
their government to pay the arrears of salaries or face disruption of

Omar warned the Federal Government against imposition of general
austerity measures on the citizenry, which he said could further
aggravate the suffering of the ordinary worker.

He said that the most tenable way to manage the current budget
under austerity was a drastic reduction in the cost of governance in
the country.

He called for a cut in the Presidential fleet, the cost of running the
State House, a reduction in the number of aides who add no value to
governance and political office holders in the country.

Omar, who supported the decision of the Federal Government to tax
the rich, advised against any move to sack workers.

He added, “While we appreciate the difficulties brought by the collapse
in oil prices, we caution against the imposition of unselective austerity
measures. Already, workers continue to bear the brunt of the savage
devaluation of the Naira with a possibility of collateral consequences.

“We also strongly advise against any consideration for rationalisation
of workforce. We support the government initiative to tax the rich
through luxury taxes. More importantly, we are convinced that the
surest way to manage the budget under austerity is to reduce the cost
of governance.

“Bloated prerequisites of political office holders must be cut. The
prerequisites and comfort of politicians need to reflect the reality of
the times. Mr. President and the State House must lead in this regard.

The size of the Presidential fleet, the cost of running the State House
and the retinue of political jobbers can all be reasonably cut without
reducing the effectiveness of the Presidency.”

He also condemned what he described as the imposition of
exploitative electricity tariff on the citizenry, saying such a move could
culminate in an unpleasant situation as indicated by the protest
against the move in some of the cities across the country such as
Benin, Enugu, Lagos and Kano.

Stampede at Shanghai New Year's celebration kills 35

Stampede at Shanghai New Year's celebration kills 35

New Year's festivities in China's most populous city were cut short Wednesday after a stampede left at least 35 people dead and dozens injured.

Posts on Twitter and China's Weibo social network described a chaotic scene and rescue efforts along the Shanghai riverfront.

Photos showed large crowds packing a street near the river and emergency medical workers treating people on the ground.

The stampede broke out around 11:35 p.m. Wednesday along the city's riverfront, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. At least 42 people were injured, Xinhua reported.

Police shut down Beijing NYE celebration

Authorities are investigating the cause, Xinhua said.

A witness told the government-run news agency that people started scrambling after coupons that looked like dollar bills were thrown from the third floor of a building.

Many of the dead were young students, CCTV America reported, citing Shanghai rescue authorities.

Video from the Reuters news agency showed people sobbing in a hospital waiting room. One woman told CCTV they'd been waiting for hours for information about their loved ones.

The promenade in the area known as the Bund along the Huangpu River is a popular spot for New Year's Eve festivities in Shanghai.

But last week, Shanghai Daily reported that local officials had called off a popular New Year's Eve light show there, citing police concerns over crowd control. Last year, the event drew nearly 300,000 people and "dispersing the crowd became a massive administrative headache," the newspaper said.

Scaled-back celebrations had been planned in several parts of the city instead, according to the newspaper.

Officials canceled another New Year's celebration late Wednesday in front of Beijing's tallest skyscraper, citing safety concerns.

Even with the light show and official countdown called off, many revelers remained at the location and had their own countdown there.

Jonathan has run out of ideas – Buhari

 Jonathan has run out of ideas – Buhari

The candidate of the All Progressives Congress in the 2015 presidential election, Maj.Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, has said President Goodluck Jonathan and the Peoples Democratic Party have run out of ideas.
He also noted that the administration had equally run out of excuses for its inability to provide quality leadership for Nigerians.
Buhari said this in a New Year message to Nigerians on Wednesday.
He noted that announcements made by the Presidency and its agencies over the last one month, had dampened the morale of many Nigerians.
According to him, President Jonathan and the ruling party have devalued the Naira which means that the price of goods and services will rise thus increasing the burden of ordinary Nigerians.
In the statement signed on his behalf by the Director, Communications of the Buhari Campaign Organisation, Mr. Dele Alake, Buhari said by Presidency’s own admission, he was promising Nigerians a tougher 2015.
Buhari was quoted as saying, “Our opponents have not only run out of ideas, they have run out of excuses for failure.
He said, “Indeed, the Presidency has declared a regime of austerity that will be executed in 2015. To quote the press reports, the President himself has declared that year 2015 shall be “tough” on our people.
“Against this season of despair foisted on our people, I bring to you, a New Year Message of hope and optimism. I share the anxiety of the middle class and the poor who have borne the brunt of the policies of this government for so long with increasing burden.
“I share the fear of the unemployed whose hopes for new jobs in the New Year is being dashed because companies will cut jobs to escape spiral inflation. I share the concerns of the manufacturers whose import-dominated production will be challenged by the austerity measures.”
Buhari urged leaders to eschew the cynical habit of wishing Nigerians a happy New Year when their actions were calculated to undermine their happiness.
He pointed out that it was impossible for the vast majority of Nigerians to enjoy happiness given the scale of corruption, impunity and indiscipline that currently incapacitated the Nigerian state from fulfilling its obligations to the Nigerian people.
He said the country desperately needed a disciplined and visionary leadership that had the capacity to fight corruption.
“It is only some Nigerians who have access to the corridors of power and benefit from the monumental graft that characterises governance in the country today that can enjoy their perverse and ultimately futile form of happiness,” Buhari said.
Buhari called on Nigerians to vote out the Peoples Democratic Party, promising that his administration would ensure “cheaper electricity, food security, accelerated power supply, integrated transport network, free education, affordable health care service and effective security of life and property.”
According to him, Nigerians cannot enjoy the dividends of democracy owing to corruption, impunity and indiscipline that currently incapacitate the country.
He added, “Nigerians must be the sole object and focus of government. Man must be the pivot around which governance revolves. The more the potential of citizens are maximised within any nation, the higher will be the prospects of that nation for attaining greatness. The first great task facing Nigeria today, therefore, is to put in place a government that can guarantee the safety and security of Nigerians throughout the length and breadth of our country. This is because Nigerians must first of all be alive, safe and free from fear before they can exercise and utilise their talents for the benefit of their nation.
“I declare, that, collectively, we can bring an end to this season of despair; we can bring an end to this avoidable fear; we can bring an end to this needless anxiety. On February 14, 2014, the Almighty offers us a historic opportunity to chart a new course out of the tragedy that we have found ourselves; History offers us a chance to correct the errors of the past. Great Nigerian people! This is our chance!
“…My message to you is to use your voter card on February 14, 2015 to liberate our country by voting for a real happy new year for yourselves.
“This is the type of leadership I offer and for which I humbly seek the mandate of Nigerians at the polls this New Year. I am confident that great days are ahead of Nigerians. I therefore enjoin us all to keep hope alive. The glory and pride of Nigeria will be restored both internally and externally this New Year. Renew your faith that, for Nigeria, the best is on the way and by the grace of the Almighty, I shall meet you there. Happy New Year!”

2015: Jonathan vows to crack down on troublemakers

2015: Jonathan vows to crack down on troublemakers

President Goodluck Jonathan has vowed to deal decisively with anyone who may decide to foment trouble before, during and after the 2015 general elections.

He said he would wield the big stick against troublemakers because of the post-2011 elections violence that erupted in some parts of the country.

Jonathan read the Riot Act in his New Year message broadcast on radio and television networks early on Thursday morning.

He said his administration would not tolerate a repeat of the 2011 orgy of violence.

“After the 2011 general elections, some unpatriotic elements embarked on an orgy of violence, resulting in the destruction of lives and property. That will not be allowed to happen this time around. This government will act decisively against anyone who disrupts the public peace, before, during or after the 2015 general elections,” the President declared.

Jonathan observed that the general elections were important for the country, saying their successful conclusion would further strengthen Nigeria’s democratic institutions and place it more firmly in the comity of truly democratic nations.

He said given the challenges that had characterised some previous electoral contests in the country, the eyes of the world would be on the conduct and outcome of what he described as the nation’s fifth post-military rule general elections.

He reassured Nigerians and the international community of his administration’s commitment to free, fair and credible elections.

The President added, “My commitment to free elections and one man, one vote remains unwavering. Our administration has worked hard in previous elections to prepare all key stakeholders including the Independent National Electoral Commission, security agencies and the electorate optimally, to ensure a progressively improved electoral process in the country under my watch. We will continue to do so for the coming elections.

“We will continue to provide adequate funding to INEC and maintain the commission’s independence and isolate it from any form of interference or meddling in its day-to-day affairs. This shall continue to guarantee its impartiality and ability to conduct more credible and acceptable elections.

“The national security agencies will also be given all necessary support to enhance their ability to ensure that the elections are peaceful and violence-free.”
Jonathan reiterated his position that no political ambition was worth the blood of any Nigerian.

He urged politicians, as they carry out their campaigns, not to promote sectionalism, disunity or hate.

Jonathan further advised them to conduct their campaigns with decorum and civility towards opponents.

“Let us not promote sectionalism, disunity, intolerance, hate, falsehood or the malicious abuse of political opponents. Whatever we feel or seek, we must have a nation and a people before we can dream of political ambitions. Let us put the nation and the people first.

“Let us all conduct our electoral campaigns with the highest possible decorum and civility towards political opponents. Let us give INEC the fullest possible support and cooperation it requires to conduct credible and violence-free elections in 2015,” the President added.

He said all Nigerians of voting age were free to vote during the elections based on their convictions.

Jonathan also assured Nigerians that political campaigns and the general elections would not distract his administration from its ongoing efforts to improve their living conditions.

He promised that his involvement in the campaigns and election as the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party notwithstanding, he would remain focused on providing good governance and delivering better public services to Nigerians.

He said, “Being very conscious of the inherent perils of our over-reliance on income from crude oil exports for national development, we have focused on accelerating the diversification of our economy.

“The non-oil sector, which has grown by an average of eight per cent in the last few years, is now a major driver of growth in our economy.

“The 2015 national budget, which is now before the National Assembly, is targeted at deepening our efforts at becoming a non-oil economy.

“The budget also includes measures to ensure that the downturn in the price of oil does not affect our development plans and our national economy too adversely. We are adjusting our financial processes to safeguard our economy. We are also taking steps to ensure that the poor and the low and medium income earners do not bear the brunt.

“In 2015, this administration will continue to lay the foundation for a vibrant economy that attracts significant Foreign Direct Investment and promotes policies that ensure economic stability.

“We will ensure stability in the value of the Naira by striving to take away speculative behaviours that cause market exchange pressures.

“We will continue to build and maintain a healthy external reserves position and strengthen fiscal buffers. We will ensure the Naira remains strong, and gives foreign investors the clarity and certainty that they need, to guide future investment decisions.

“We will continue to improve our payment systems and strengthen risk-based supervision mechanism for Nigerian banks to ensure overall health and stability of the banking system.”

Wishing Nigerians a happy and prosperous 2015, the President urged them to enter the new year with renewed hope, patriotism and zeal to serve their fatherland.

He reiterated his position that all the challenges facing the nation are surmountable.
“As I have always maintained, none of the challenges before us is insurmountable. We must come together as a people and work with single-minded unity of purpose to overcome them.

“As we go into this New Year, I salute the indomitable and resilient spirit of our people in Nigeria and wherever they are in the world. Our spirit of enterprise and the doggedness to succeed amongst all odds has been our strength.”

The President praised the gallant officers, men and women of the Armed Forces and other security agencies who have been in the forefront of the war against terrorism and violent extremism in Nigeria.

Govt incapable of tackling Boko Haram –Sultan’s JNI

Govt incapable of tackling Boko Haram –Sultan’s JNI

The Jama’atu Nasril Islam, piqued by what it describes as the failure of the Federal Government to tackle the Boko Haram menace in the North-East of the country, on Wednesday directed Nigerian Muslims to defend themselves against any attack from the sect.

“That Muslims are strongly urged to defend themselves, in appropriate manner against any attack by insurgents and all other acts of violence by criminals, as it is a religious obligation to do so, particularly that government forces currently seem to be incapable,” a communiqué, signed by the JNI’s Secretary-General, Dr. Khalid Abubakar-Aliyu, said on Wednesday in Kaduna.

Appraising the Federal Government’s efforts in curbing the activities of the insurgents, the Muslim body said the government had failed since it appeared obvious that government forces were incapable tackling the Boko Haram’s persistent attacks.

The JNI, led by the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Saad AbubakarIII, noted that its call had become imperative owing to the low level of morale in the rank of the gallant Nigerian troops currently fighting the Boko Haram insurgents in the North-East.
It urged the government to wake up to its responsibilities of protecting the lives and property of Nigerians.

The communiqué, which was the outcome of a one-day stakeholders’ meeting on the security situation in the country, added, “That the current security challenges bedeviling the country persist largely as a result of the inability of the government to deploy effective strategies in tackling them.

“That the manifest low morale of troops, due to inadequate welfare, lack of desired weaponry and failure of intelligence among other reasons, are severely hindering the fight against insurgency.

“That despite the devastation being caused by the incessant sophisticated bombings evidenced by the huge losses of innocent lives and gross destruction of property, our politicians at all levels, and in all political parties, regrettably show very scanty or no concern about the national predicament and anguish but are only busy with political campaigns.

“That the economic base and development of the country are being systematically and grossly crippled by all forms of insurgencies, from Boko Haram to cattle rustling, illegal bunkering/theft and other militancy.

“That Muslims are strongly urged to defend themselves, in appropriate manner, against any attacks by insurgents and all other acts of violence by criminals, as it a religious obligation to do so, particularly that government forces currently seem to be incapable.”

Nigerian Army records gains from court martial of soldiers- Official

Nigerian Army records gains from court martial of soldiers- Official

The Nigerian Army has revealed the gains of the ongoing General Court Martial of some soldiers and officers over mutiny and other offences, saying it has instilled discipline and professionalism in the Armed Forces.

Army spokesman, Brigadier General Olajide Laleye said Wednesday at a press briefing that troops were better attuned to the reality of the nation’s security emergency.

Laleye said: “On this note, I wish to bring to your attention that the strict enforcement of service regulations and laws by the Army is paying off. Troops are now better attuned to the reality of our national security emergency.

“Cases of unprofessional conducts have been significantly reduced. The Army notes with satisfaction that troops’ fighting spirit, courage, determination and patriotism have been rekindled.”

He confirmed that a number of officers and men were still undergoing trial before General Court Martial in Abuja, Lagos and Jos, for various offences.
He dismissed reports that proceedings at the General Court Martial did not follow due process, saying the court martial was not a mushroom court.

He said, “The judicial process that led to the convictions and acquittals followed international best practices in military law and also confirms to relevant Nigerian laws.

“This is contrary to insinuations I. The media which suggest that due process has not been followed in the trial of officers and soldiers. Let me state categorically that a General Court Martial has the status of the high court and is backed by extant laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”, he stated.

General Laleye however added that the all military court is not a final authority, saying that the process and convictions were subject to confirmation by the appropriate superior military authority and also subject to appeal.

“Therefore, it is erroneous and mischievous to create the impression that pronouncements arising from the General Court Martial are an aberration or do not follow due process”.

Laleye said the Army had introduced new effective strategies to the ongoing counter insurgency operations in the Northeastern part of the country, saying this had led to the recovery of some territories captured by the Boko Haram insurgents.

He listed the towns recaptured by the military to include Gombi, Hong, Uba, Makera, Mubi, Holma and Vimtim; all in Adamawa State. However, some territories similarly captured by the insurgents in Borno and Yobe States are still under the control of the insurgents.

He vowed that every inch on Nigerian territory still under Boko Haram’s control would be recovered until the enemy is defeated.

The Army spokesman the military would work in collaboration with other security and relevant agencies to ensure credible and violence free elections in the country, particularly in the troubled Northeastern part.

He however stated that the military would be involved in the process of the 2015 election only on the directive from a “higher authority”.

“You never can tell, the 2015 general elections might turn out to be the best in the history of elections in the country,” he said.

Ekiti PDP Lawmakers Ban Journalists, Pass N80.94bn 2015 Budget into Law

The Peoples Democratic Party caucus of the Ekiti State House of Assembly on Wednesday passed into law the sum of N80.94 billion as budgetary provision for the 2015 fiscal year.

The Speaker of the House, Hon. Dele Olugbemi, who briefed journalists after the short sitting, said Governor Ayodele Fayose presented the sum of N80.77 billion to the House, but was increased to the present status to be able to attend to some renovation to be carried out in the Assembly.

The factional Speaker maintained that the lawmakers ensured that all the three arms of government, Executive, Judiciary and the Legislature, were well represented for financial balancing in the system in the budget proposal.

Meanwhile, the embattled  Speaker, Dr Adewale Omirin, and the 18 other lawmakers of the All Progressives Congress,  described the passage of the appropriation bill into law as illegal and an exercise in futility.

The lawmakers  explained that the seven PDP lawmakers were lawfully suspended at a sitting two weeks ago in Ado-Ekiti where resolutions on the autonomy for the local governments and House ‎of Assembly, among others, were passed and sent to the National Assembly as Ekiti State contributions to the constitution amendment process.

North ungrateful parasites – Asari Dokubo

North ungrateful parasites – Asari Dokubo

ABUJA – Leader of the Niger Delta Peoples Salvation Force, NDPSF, Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari has again stated that desperate politicians from the northern Nigeria are ungrateful parasites who have not appreciated the south and especially the Niger-Delta for depending on their oil proceeds over the years.

Asari’s outburst was a reaction to the comments recently made by the Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule Lamido that staunch supporters of President Goodluck Jonathan such as Asari and Chief Edwin Clarke were making incisive statements in their bid to secure a second term for Jonathan.

Lamido had in his statements decried the candidacies of Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and General Muhammadu Buhari of All Progressives congress, APC.

He was quoted as saying that the duo were capable of setting Nigeria ablaze with their ambition.

But reacting to the statement, Asari who was also the former national President of Ijaw Youth Council, IYC and Jonathan’s kinsman in a telephone chat with Vanguard said that the north was bleeding over their loss of political power.

He stated that until the zone disabuse its mind from the mentality of “born to rule”, they would continue to meet stiff resistance from their southern counter-part.

“The president will win. There is no other option. If they contest they are wasting their time. He who pays the piper will dictate the tune. We own them. We are feeding them. They are parasites. A beggar has no choice. In all religions, in Islam, every where… If you are a beggar, you will respect the one who gives to you. They are beggars and parasites.”

Car bomb explosion kills 6 in Yobe

Car bomb explosion kills 6 in Yobe

Six people are reported dead in the explosion which occurred close to a security checkpoint in the town.

The Yobe State Police Commissioner, Marcus Danladi said the explosive device that went off was being conveyed in a car to an unknown location when it suddenly exploded.

The car exploded shortly after it drove past a checkpoint, Mr. Danladi said.

“The people carrying the bomb inside a vehicle were the people who died,” the police commissioner said. “They came from one of the villages where the insurgents are hiding and the same people carrying the bomb were the same people who died.

“Yobe is calm. There is no problem.”

The incident occurred less than a month after Damaturu, the Yobe State capital, came under heavy attack by suspected Boko Haram terrorists who, according to residents, surrounded the town and killed many.

The terrorists had earlier on November 13 attacked the Yobe capital with explosions and gunshots in an attempt  to take over the Government House.

An earlier bomb attack on Government Senior Science Secondary School in Potiskum, also in Yobe, on November 10, killed 47 students and injured 79 others, the police said.

The Government Science Secondary School, Potiskum is one of the
densely populated boarding schools for boys, located very close to the Potiskum General Hospital in the heart of town.

Potiskum is the largest town outside Damaturu, the Yobe state capital. It is the headquarters of the Fika Emirate.

The attack on the high school came six days after a similar bombing was targeted at members of the Shiite group, Islamic Brotherhood of Nigeria, also in Potiskum.

That bombing took place at Faydia Islamic school, ran by the Shiite. It is located near the old market in Potiskum.

2 remanded over murder, kidnap of German expatriates

2 remanded over murder, kidnap of German expatriates

An Abeokuta Chief Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday remanded two persons in prison over the alleged murder of a German expatriate and the kidnap of another.

The Prosecuting Counsel, Gloria Nyang, alleged that the accused, Umaru Ibrahim, 33, and Saidu Muhammed, 30, committed the offences on October 24 at Ogbere, Ijebu-East Local Government Area of Ogun State.

She said the accused conspired to cause the death of one Frank Sieberg in the attempt to kidnap him and another victim, Walter Limbacher.

The expatriates were both employees of Julius Berger Construction Company.

Mr. Nyang said the offences contravened sections 516, 364 (2) and 316 (3) of the Criminal Laws of Ogun, 2006.

The accused persons had no fixed address, occupation and counsel and their pleas were not taken by the court.

Chief Magistrate Anthony Araba remanded the accused in Oba prison while awaiting legal advice from the Director of Public Prosecution in the state.

He adjourned the case till February 27, 2015 for further hearing.

N47.1b Fraud: Appeal Court Strikes Out Charge Against Ex-Intercontinental Bank MD, Akingbola

N47.1b Fraud: Appeal Court Strikes Out Charge Against Ex-Intercontinental Bank MD, Akingbola

The Lagos Division of the Court of Appeal on Wednesday struck out the N47.1 billion theft charge brought against the former Managing Director of the defunct Intercontinental Bank Plc, Dr Erastus Akingbola by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The court in a unanimous decision held that the Lagos State High Court where Akingbola and one of his associate, Bayo Dada are currently standing trial lacks the jurisdiction to conduct the trial

Specifically the appellate court held that the subject matter of the alleged offences relates to banking operations and operations of capital issues which fell under the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court.

The court came to this conclusion while ruling on an appeal filed by Akingbola and Dada, challenging  the ruling of Justice Lateef Lawal-Akapo of the Lagos High Court sitting in Ikeja, in which the lower court assumed jurisdiction over the matter.

The two former bank chiefs had through their lawyers Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN) and Professor Taiwo Osipitan (SAN) filed two separate applications, challenged the jurisdiction of the court to entertain the 22-count charge filed against them by the EFCC.

But, Justice Lawal-Akapo in his ruling delivered on May 2, 2014 dismissed the applications, holding that the charges preferred against defendants were within its competence and purview to determine.

The judge also agreed with the EFCC that the charge is not related to banking transactions but stealing, receiving stolen property and advance fee Fraud.

The judge also distinguished the matter from the one in which the Court of Appeal quashed the charges instituted against a former Managing Director of Finbank Plc Okey Nwosu.

The court held that, “The offences canvassed in Okey Nwosu case, cited by the defendants, had its roots in capital market. In the present case, the offences charged are stealing, receiving stolen property and advance fee fraud.

“Thus, I hold are the charges are within the confine of the state High Court.”

Dissatisfied, the two men had filed two separate appeals against the ruling and urged the Appeal  Court to set it aside.

The appellate court in its lead judgement delivered by Justice Amina Aguie (presiding) adopted by other members of the panel; Justice Samuel Oseji and Justice Abimbola Obaseki-Adejumo held that the lower court judge took a narrow view of the matter when he assumed jurisdiction on the matter.

Justice Aguie held that the lower court judge fell into a serious error when he failed to abide by the decision of the appellate court on the case of Okey Nwosu vs. EFCC even when it was brought to his notice.

Justice Aguie also stated that the appellate court had in Okey Nwosu’s case held that the State High Court where the charges were instituted against the defendants, had no jurisdiction over capital market-related issues.

The upper court further held that the refusal of the lower court to follow the principle of Stare decisis is tantamount to judicial rascality and a call for anarchy adding ‘’ it will encourage the lower court to take-up arms against the appellate court’’.

Justice Aguie pointed out that the subject matter of the alleged offences related to banking operations and capital market issues which is outside the purview of the Lagos High Court.

She also held the lower court failed in its duty as an unbiased umpire when it refused to study thoroughly the processes presented before it.

Justice Aguie added that the lower court turned a blind-eye to the prove of evidence brought before it before delivering its ruling saying ‘’it is the duty of the court is to do substantial justice, a one-sided justice is no justice at all’.

Akingbola’s counsel, Chief Olanipekun (SAN) had in his submission urged the court to allow the appeal and set aside the decision of the lower court.

He had argued that the trial judge erred in law in his assumption of jurisdiction over the charge filed before him in the face of the clear provision of Section 251 of the Constitution and Section 8(1) of the Federal High Court Act.

He submitted that Section 251 of the Constitution vests exclusive jurisdiction in the Federal High Court over the subject matter stressing that Section 272(1) of the Constitution which provides for jurisdiction of the State high court is subject to Section 251.

He further submitted that the lower court erred in law and came to a perverse decision in its interpretation and application of the word ‘’also’’ used in section 251(3) of the constitution.

He told the court that there is a similar charge involving Akingbola and the EFCC which is currently pending before the Federal High Court, Lagos.

He also argued that the main witnesses listed in the proof of evidence at the Federal High Court are the same witnesses also listed in the proof of evidence before this court.

Besides, Olanipekun argued that g to him, the subject matter of the alleged offences relates to banking operations and operations of capital issues which fell under the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court.

However, the EFCC counsel, Chief Godwin Obla (SAN), had urged the court to dismiss the application because charge against the defendants borders on stealing which is within the jurisdiction of the court.

Austria contacts Nigeria Police over murder of Edo-born Austrian

Austria contacts Nigeria Police over murder of Edo-born Austrian

BENIN—THE Austrian government has contacted the Nigerian Police over the death of an Edo State-born lady, Ms Rose Aifuwa, who was allegedly murdered on Christmas eve by her boyfriend, Festus, popularly known as Two Million.

The incident occurred at Upper Mission Extension in Benin. The suspect allegedly knocked the mother of three down with his car, which dragged her for over 500 meters, after the deceased requested the suspect to pay her money, estimated at over N10 million.

Vanguard learned from the state Police command that the Austrian government had called to find out what happened, following information that the deceased flew into Nigeria with her Austrian passport.

It was learned that the suspect, who is a spare parts dealer, was married to an Igbo woman here in Nigeria, but had been overseeing his lover’s investment here in Nigeria.

It was gathered that the deceased, who has a dual citizenship, had been supplying the suspect with spare parts for sales, but found out that the suspect did not remit the cash after sales.

Trouble started when the decease arrived Nigeria early December and asked for her money from the suspect.

Vanguard was informed that on December 24, the suspect passed the night at the residence of the deceased and that while he was about leaving in the morning, the deceased insisted that he pay the money owed her.

The suspect ran into his vehicle and hit the deceased, who had run after him. He dragged the body under the vehicle and eventually dumped the mangled body at Lucky Way Junction, on Auchi-Benin Road.

The suspect, who was arrested by the police was taken to the scene of the incident, yesterday, by detectives and it was discovered that he dragged the body along the road for over 500 meters.

The suspect was said to have confessed to killing his lover. The Edo State Police Commi-ssioner, Folunso Adebanjo, said a crack team of detectives was investigating the matter.