Friday 6 July 2018

Mayweather Sued $2m By Nigerian Firm For Breach of Contract

Mayweather Sued $2m By Nigerian Firm For Breach of Contract

Following the highly publicised visit of Floyd Money Mayweather to Nigeria and other parts of African countries which was reported before it was canceled, a Nigerian company has alleged it was screwed out of a fortune by the wealthy American and is now suing to get its money back.

A report from TMZ making rounds says  the company behind the lawsuit is Zinni Media, which claims it booked Floyd to make five appearances in Nigeria and Ghana in June 2017, for the low sum of $375,000.

According to the report, the company says it got Floyd to make a video confirming the appearances — so, they thought they were good to go.

They even wired him $210,000 in advance.

But, days before the first event, Floyd bailed — and the company was left holding the bag.

In the suit, Zinni claims Floyd’s reps offered to reschedule for Dec 2017 — and added more appearances to the list — but, he also raised the price to $550,000.

Zinni claims they were told they could use the $210k toward the new booking price.

Zinni says they accepted the new deal — but, when they asked Floyd to make a new video confirming the new dates, he bailed again … and never returned the original $210,000.

Now, Zinni is taking legal action in federal court in California — claiming Floyd damaged their reputation and defrauded them. Zinni wants at least $2million to make things right.

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