Wednesday 26 August 2015

I never said President Jonathan fought corruption in a civilised manner - Falana

I never said President Jonathan fought corruption in a civilised manner - Falana

In a desperate move to discredit the anti corruption programme of the Muhammadu Buhari Admistration some misguided fellows have attempted to link me with the forces of corruption that are fighting back in the country.  

 I was  alleged to have  "suggested"  in an interview in the channels television, that President Jonathan fought corruption in a more civilised manner than President Buhari. I never made such a stupid  statement. Hence, the  "suggestion" ascribed to me is grossly misleading and downright dishonest . 

 In accusing the influential members of the National Peace Committee of gargantuan  hypocrisy I did say that  tbeir chairman, General Abbdulsami Abubakar even probed the dead and recovered properties and over $1 billion from the Abacha loot which are contained in the Forfeiture  Decree No 45 of 1999. 

With respect to President Jonathan I did say that his Administration recovered $970 million from the said Abacha loot and sacked  3 of his ministers. I never said tbat those actions were taken quitely as tbey were announced and celebrated in the media by the Jonathan Administration. Consequently,  I questioned the motive of the members of the  National Peace Committee in  calling for "soft landing" for corrupt people. 

Convinced that the call was a demonstration of class solidarity I urged the Buhari Administration not to be deterred in prosecuting the anti-corruption war. In fact,  I did not hesitate in supporting  President Buhari's anti corruption policy by  citing   section 15 of the Constitution which has imposed a duty on the the Nigerian State to abolish corrupt practices and abuse of power.

In the light of the foregoing, I challenge the reactionary forces that have twisted and manipulated my views to reproduce any statement made by me suggesting that President Jonathan fought corruption in a civilised manner. To expose the mala fide of the satanic forces that are desperate to sustain corruption and impunity in our country readers may wish to check my full interview and Sunday Punch of August 23. 2015.

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